The Indigenous Skin Spectrum Summit is dedicated to improving the cultural competence of Canadian healthcare providers and giving practical advice on providing dermatologic care to Indigenous patients.
First held in March 2021, the Indigenous Skin Spectrum Summit is a special session of the Skin Spectrum Summit addressing specific challenges in treating Canada’s Indigenous community.
The second Indigenous Skin Spectrum Summit will be held during National Indigenous History Month in Canada. As we recognize the history, heritage and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada, we must also acknowledge the persistent health gaps that these communities experience.

Medical conference for healthcare practitioners
The Skin Spectrum Summit is a landmark educational congress of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing better dermatologic care for Canada's diverse population.
The conference provides education on treating patients across all six Fitzpatrick skin types, emphasizing care for Types IV–VI.
A full day of education on optimal dermatologic care for patients with skin of colour
Psoriasis in skin of colour
Acne in skin of colour
Atopic dermatitis in skin of colour
Pediatric dermatology for skin of colour
Skin cancer in skin of colour
Wound care for skin of colour
Skin conditions in Indigenous communities
Advancing diversity in dermatologic education
Differential diagnosis and cultural competence